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Easy Ways Starting Business

8:38 AM, Posted by Unknown, One Comment

To start a business or a business not wait for ideal conditions. Adequate capital, strategic location, the employees say, the spare time to start a business is the ideal condition. And to get it all in the same time take on a greater sacrifice.

Moreover, for us, we are still as employees in other places, awaiting the ideal conditions can be a difficult choice.

One option for an employee to have their own business is to open the business side. So that we can still work and get a salary. And we try to get additional revenue through the efforts of our path.

Opening the business side can be a choice that we can determine the type of business and the business scale according to our interests and capabilities. If we have the ideal conditions, the options open to companies, shops, or take the franchise is the right option.

But for those who have not dare to take risks by opening their own shops, there is one choice that is easy to immediately start the business, namely with the consignment system.

With the system we commend consignment merchandise to our stores, kiosks, or minimarkets / supermarkets others. We do not need to have their own shops and do not need to have their own employees. Clearly it will save much money. We only need to inculcate in the capital goods investment of time and energy plus stores to offer to others. goodsn not need their own, can we buy goods wholesale and then we loan to several shops.

Consignment agreement can be flexible, to small shops such as kiosks, we just made a family / deliberation and discussion with the agreement that much easier. How many goods that are, how much it costs, like when checked, when the payment is done, and other agreements and discussed with the deal after both parties agree or the consignment can be run. There is agreement that this be done in writing (and indeed should be written), although in a format that is simple, so if there is a dispute, there is pedomannya.

To commend the goods to companies that have large (minimarket or supermarket) on the terms more stringent. The supermarkets have set conditions that must be met.

Our experience in kiosks (Kiosk Addina), after the visible store (a lot of customers and many transactions), who had come to offer consignment. Initially we are very careful, there is a sense of worry goods will not behave. But Alhamdulillah many consignment of goods sold successfully in our kiosks.

He offered to the kiosks, we also varied. Initially only the veil and similar products, and offers a perfume, and even now there are women who leave the bag. The owner of the goods that leave us in kiosks, periodically check the barangya behavior or not, need to be added or not. Sometimes also be conducted by SMS, and if it is behavior, the owner of the goods come to our kiosks to receive payment of goods that behavior.

Continue what if the goods do not behave? Owners usually swap goods with other goods and goods that may not lakuk in kiosks we can, and probably behavior in other places. So I commend consignment of goods should not only to one store. If you can leave the goods to many shops, the same we have many stores without having to rent a store, without having to pay employees, and money flows ...

quoted from Fuad Muftie

One Comment

Scout of Lampung @ November 23, 2008 at 11:46 AM
